What you did you know about writing for engineers at the start of the semester and what you have learned?
In truth, I had no prior knowledge of the class aside from the class description. But now having taken the course I have realized the importance of Understanding the purpose of each assignment because with that understanding it makes it easier to get each assignment done effectively.
What have your writing processes been like, both in class and outside of class?
At first it was difficult to get back into the writing process and figure out a good way to organize my scattered thoughts. It was also difficult to find the motivation to commit to the writing process but as mentioned in the previous response, understanding the purpose and significance of each assignment helped me break down this process into 3 steps. Step 1 was gathering all the needed information as well as resources needed for the assignment. The next step was to utilize all the information gathered to develop the content of the report. Last but not least I would revise the report and make edits and changes as necessary. This process applied both in and outside of class.
How was your experience working in the group and any what best practices you have taken away for successful collaboration?
My experience working with the group was my favorite part of the course. Although it was difficult at first to communicate with the other group members we figured out a way that was best for all and were able to work together to bring about our RFP report and presentation. Overall an important point I’ve taken away is that it is important to adjust to varying circumstances and to be understanding of others in order to develop a well-constructed and equally contributed project.
What concepts/terms have most impacted your learning and your writing practices (e.g., rhetoric; rhetorical situation; context; exigence; purpose; author; audience; text; genre; argument; evidence; something else)? How so?
A concept that has most impacted my learning and writing process is taking great consideration to the intended audience. Having the audience in mind really aids in having a clear view of what the contents of the report will be. It helps me to tailor and edit the report wherever it is needed so that the audience has the best experience when interacting with the report.
In what ways has work completed through the semester helped you to achieve (focus on the first five) the Course Learning Outcomes? (These outcomes are listed in the syllabus and offered below for convenience.) Please provide actual examples (e.g., moments in/after class or through the completion of certain assignments) and please actually refer to and quote the first five Course Learning Outcome.
The first learning outcome on acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources that specifically helped with the development of the group RPF project. I say this because each member of the group had their strengths and weaknesses, but working together and recognizing our different ranges of abilities really made the project come together, specifically when assigning roles in the project. The second learning outcome was developed in my technical report about women in STEM as I had to go back a number of times to adjust the content of the report. The third aspect of the learning objective was completed with the technical description, especially since I had to keep the audience in mind when describing the process of designing a website. The fourth aspect of the learning outcomes was very much tied to the RFP project in collaboration with the group project and presentation. The fifth aspect of genre analysis and multimodal composing was also accomplished when finding as well as utilizing the resources to develop the project.
- acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility
- enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment
- negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation
- develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes
- engage in genre analysis and multimodal composing to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond